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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Speak the Truth

“And whenever you speak, say the truth” (Surah al-An’aam, QS 6:152)

It is essential for a muslim to be truthful and without the intention of inviting 'fitnah'. Never betray a trust given to you, because once it's gone, you'll never get it back. The Quran says:

"O you who believe, do not betray God and the Messenger, and do not betray those who trust you, now that you know."(QS 8:27)

The root cause of betrayal is offense. The Greek word for offend is 'skandalizo', which means, "to set a trap to ensnare something." We derive the word scandal from this word. A scandal occurs when a person or persons betray the trust and confidence of others through words or actions.

Cheating and deception are despicable characteristics that are beneath a righteous person. Intentionally distorting the truth in order to mislead others contradicts the values of honesty.

"And the believers keep their word; they are trustworthy." (QS 70:32)

Muslim society is based on purity of feeling, love, sincerity towards every Muslim, and fulfillment of promises to every member of society. Its members are endowed with piety, truthfulness, and faithfulness.

"Do not cheat the people out of their rights, and do not roam the earth corruptingly." (QS 26:183)

Cheating and deception are evil characters in contrast to the noble character of a true Muslim. There is no room in it for swindlers, double crosser, tricksters or traitors in Islam. The Prophet (pbuh) related:

“I order you to be truthful, for indeed truthfulness leads to righteousness, and indeed righteousness leads to Paradise. A man continues to be truthful and strives for truthfulness until he is written as a truthful person with God. And beware of falsehood, for indeed falsehood leads to sinning, and indeed sinning leads to the Fire. A man continues to tell lies and strives upon falsehood until he is written as a liar with God.” (Sahih Muslim)

Whoever does three things with regards to people, they will necessitate three things from him: whenever he speaks to them he is truthful; whenever they entrust him with something he does not betray them; and whenever he promises them something he fulfils it. If he does this, their hearts will love him; their tongues will praise him; and they will come to his aid. (Ibn Muflih, Adaab ash-Shari’a)


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